While every divorce is unique to the couple who is having to endure it, some similar circumstances give people in these categories common challenges that people outside of these circumstances do not have to deal with. Some common circumstances that create challenges for people affected by them include but are not limited to:

High Profile

When a spouse or spouses are well known and in the public eye, their divorce may need to be handled with more delicacy to keep private and intimate information from becoming public knowledge. If people other than your close friends and family have an interest in your personal life, it may be in your best interest to enlist the help of a lawyer who is experienced with handling high profile divorce cases.


In states that allow for extended domestic partnership and marriage rights to LGBT couples, there is unfortunately, no guarantee that all relationships will last. Because the right for gay couples to be legally married is fairly new in the law books, many lawyers are not familiar with some of the unique sets of circumstances that may be involved in the dissolution of an LGBT marriage. It is important to hire a lawyer who understands and has experience with this evolving area of divorce law.


If one or more spouse is in the military, getting a divorce can be stressful in the same ways as a civilian divorce but with added complications. Legal issues that divorcing military couples have to consider include, where to file their divorce papers, how to serve someone in another state or country with divorce papers, what kind of benefits will a non-military spouse be able to keep after their divorce, and child custody when one or more spouse may need to move far away, especially when it is to a foreign country.